Blue Moon on Halloween’s night. Since this year is going to be something different, from Euromarina we propose you a fantastic plan. This very night there will be a special event and it is the blue moon. Astronomy gives us this phenomenon that happens roughly every two and a half years (or “once in a blue moon”).
More facts about the blue moon
This unusual phenomenon occurs due to the misalignment of the lunar and solar calendar. This month we will have 2 full moons and this second one is called a Blue Moon. But the moon will still be as white and grey as on other occasions.
Despite its name, it does not actually look blue. The term refers to the rare occasion when two full moons are observed in a single calendar month.
The lunar cycle is approximately 29.5 days long. So in months with 31 days, such as January or August, two full moons are possible. The second full moon in these months is known as a ‘Blue Moon’.
This term can also refer to the third full moon in a season that has four full moons, rather than the typical three. This definition originated in the 1940s due to an error in Sky & Telescope magazine, but has endured in popular culture.
Although seeing a Blue Moon is rare, it has no special astronomical implications or physical effects on Earth. However, its rarity makes it a celestial event that captures the public’s imagination and interest.
Nevertheless, it is the perfect time to stay at home, step out to the terrace of your apartment or go up to the solarium of your house where you can contemplate this precious second full moon of the month.
More info about this Moon.
At Euromarina we have the perfect homes to enjoy these wonders that nature bestows upon us. Why? Because we build them with spacious and cosy outdoor areas, gardens or private solariums where you can enjoy these wonders with your friends and family.