The Cabezo Gordo is a natural protected area located in Cartagena. It has 117 hectares composed of limestone and metamorphic rocks. Also it has archaeological remains of 300.000 years B.C. It’s an ideal place to practice hiking and climbing. We propose you to realice the Cabezo Gordo route to discover lovely sites as the archaeology site of the Sima de las Palomas and the Cueva del Agua.
Cabezo Gordo
If you visit the Sima de las Palomas you can observe an amazing archaeological site where archaeologists found human remains of Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis y Homo Sapiens Arcaico of 125.000 y 50.000 years B.C. Also they found animal remains such as elephants, rhinos, lions, hyenas, panthers, lynx, horses, deer, goats, rabbits and tortoises. There were paleolithic tools of limestone, marble sílex and cuartiza in this area too.
Sima de las Palomas. By
The Cueva del Agua is located inside the Cabezo Gordo. There are a big colony of bats in this cave. If you visit this freshwater cave in summer you can take a relaxing bath in the lake. We recommend you to take a flashlight to get into the cave.
Cueva del Agua. Vía:
You can observe a great variety of fauna in the Cabezo Gordo such as amphisbaenians, natterjack toad, blue rock thrush bird, lesser withethroat, black wheatear and bats.
The mountainside have a wide range of native plants. You can observe a great variety of flora in this mountain as aleppo pine, orchid, black hawthorn, uncaria tomentosa, asparagus, sparto grass, cuscuta, ruta, caralluma and arisarum vulgare.
Finally, we tell you some tips to make your visit easily. We recommend you to wear boots and comfortable uncolored clothes. Also you have to take binoculars and flashlight. You shouldn’t enter into the caves and wells because is very dangerous and you can unsettle the wildlife.
Cabezo Gordo
If you want to relaxing and respire fresh air you should visit the Cabezo Gordo.