Rojales is a traditional village located in Alicante. It has a population of 21,700 habitants. If you visit this town you can know the orchard culture, historical monuments and caves that contrasts with the wonderful tourist complex of Ciudad Quesada. Also you can see the Segura River that is running throught the centre of the village.
It’s an ideal place for a trip. You can make a cultural route and visit museums and historical monuments. If you don’t like museums we suggest you other funniest plan such as the Cuevas del Rodeo or the Aquapark.
On the one hand, we suggest you a cultural route where you can visit the San Pedro Apóstol Church, the Urban Hydraulics Complex, the Gasparito’s tanks, the Windmill, House of Shells and the Carlos III bridge.
Carlos III bridge and Segura River. By
On the other hand, we suggest you a museum route. You can visit the Ochard Museum, the Archeological-Paleontological Museum, the Easter Week Museum, the Los Llanos Ranch by Don Florencio and the Underground Habitat Museum.
Whaterwheel of Rojales. By
If you likes a funniest plan you should visit the Cuevas del Rodeo. It’s a cave houses that have been carved into the side of a mountain between the 19th and 20th century. Actually, it has been enabled as craft workshop and showrooms where artists and craftsmen show this artworks. If you visit this site you can make educational and leisure activities, learn the craft of artisans, see exhibitions, crafts fairs and buy original artworks.
Cuevas del Rodeo.
Also you can visit the Aquapark in summer. It’s a water park where you can enjoy a funny day in family. It has a great offer of water rides and activity areas.
Choose a plan and enjoy a nice day in good company!