The nougat is a typical dessert of Alicante. There are many versions of traditional nougat in Spain. We tell you how to make guirlache nougat. It’s a delicious sweet elaborated with almonds and suggar.
Guirlache Nougat. By
· 500 grams of almonds
· 1 kilogram of suggar
· ½ lemon
· 2 tablespoon of honey
· 1 wafer
Ingredients. By
How to make it?
1) Simmer the suggar in a nonstick saucepan. Don’t stir the sugar.
2) Squeeze the lemon.
3) Add lemon juice, suggar and almonds in to the saucepan.
4) Stir the ingredients for 10 minutes.
5) Put the mix in the wafer.
6) Shape the nougat with a spatula.
Nougal. By
This delicious nougat is served cold. Taste and enjoy it!